Property Rights and Ethics

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Advertising Contracts Prove Person's Humanity

Advertising contracts are special for businessmen. Won with money, a matter is media interaction that can prove one's "HUMANITY" status for the Liaisons who are communicating; stability & happy required, pressure?

It takes ethical regard, Ad duties are exempt ability, and honest claims required--even or especially non-fiction books. Legal complex opinion by Gregg Jann for MH, wordsmith, soft engineering, & invention descriptions.

"A Jann Plan" contracted to display at LA Times Festival of Books, on April 22-23, 2022, at USC. Gregg K. Jann not attending.

Small Business Advocate may Decendent of Jefferson

"Wrote a comment below Alignable Learns article, on financing a small business - said its good the article included micro-entrepreneurs by a few thousand dollars options. I added my Seasonal work at a Department store EOY for ready cash flow. Working nonexempt again assists social and nice clothes. Plus the great People Skills training that help a mental health co. Perhaps this Department Store stole a heirloom secret book from my mother, the Alice Hartwell Jann Family. We may be decedents from Thomas Jefferson, and how he ran WH & Monticello; If so my consulting fee. Gregg Jann"

My Labor Union Negiotating Era, Wanting to See History before Graduating into MH Management

My reform cause was codified Consumer worker Rights in contract form for us, mainly Group Home counselors who unionized. I was appointed Lead Negotiator for my experience as public school elected official. Contract neg. took 2 years. Management screamed at-, derided-, strangled-and "women raped" Gregg J- by pretty line women who I couldn't see in their part.

I designed the process for resulting win. We did not get a raise in pay much. Go figure. After, I felt sad and lifeless for working DT combined with other jobs, nursing a hidden emo event OTJ masking more disability. For a Small Business Platform: Welcome

"Mental Health Education and Coaching: about public policy successes, intellectual property holdings, and some independent living skills for clients. is fighting for receiving credit and income in leading ways in patented form. From examples in action, Jann Demystifying Affects can lead you to make a difference in yourself and the world around you!! Jann Demystifying Affects work is to 'Care with Ethics.' read world wide." ---- Story here & upcoming non-fiction book "Unrewarded, Unrecognized Consultant Improved the World and USA" by Gregg Jann.

Include Disabled to Underserved Communities at SBA

The Small Business Administration is reconvening the Council on Under Served Communities. Biden-Harris Administration will help support the SBA in strengthening and improving its strategies to start and grow businesses. This among women, veterans, minority-owned businesses and/or businesses from low-to-moderate income or rural communities.

In my opinion and assayed needs, include disabled even MH consumer run. Create coaching for own Good Idea on Social Security Disability Insurance to grow from with guarantee. Permit SBOs to keep Medi/Medi,entitlements

"Do you think they work for You?"

A Friend's quote causes a letdown for being loyal to Democrats ever since US President Joe Biden was Senate Finance Committee Chair with Bill Clinton as President in 92/94. Gregg Kevin Jann wants to be paid for assisting to invent the internet @ both each his own PC's code and Peace Themes while in 3 colleges to help micro distributed processing. Most painful headline:presumed I had in the local newspaper that then Senator Biden voted to end Law Financial Trusts that held non-obliteration disabled money instead I assume threatens nothing for mental health system eraser.

Production by Shunning & Ostracizing: Religion's Life

Mr. Gregg Jann lived in a city mostly since kindergarten as an adult surrounded by a type of people not his own kind. At 50 years, Gregg enjoyed "Legally Blonde the Musical", the play at Summer Repertory JC singing, "Is he Gay or European?" Not m'few ladies, but all else in Gregg's life seemed Gay, very bad Sexers, or Immoral; hiding a type Roman Catholic including Jesuit Catholic cult for 1st stealing the Internet; for "hate" of Mental Health jobs culture; or moneyed like political fundraiser. Officials shunned/ostracized Gregg in jobs, health care, and social life. (read more)

Deep South Sports Built After Initiating Job Interviewer

G Jann is NOT CERTAIN OF specific example's CAUSE OR EFFECT, although Mr. Jann is CERTAIN of examples he CAUSED as before on and Jann's authoring of his 4 non-fiction books: College job interviews he had on campus at Chico St. Spring/Fall 1985 each, Mr. Jann told a Bank MIS Hiring Mgr that the former Confederate South needed to be rebuilt with sports franchises. Camaraderie, bring people out of poverty, & make better doctors @ Jann's request. More pro sports in the deep South DID happen after G. Jann asked ORIGINALLY.
(read more)

A North African journalist not special to my word: Cambridge Dictionary stole

Recent word, following up a private letter to be special. Gregg K. Jann won First Place in Business Category for "Truth to Origin" of the 2020 Hollywood Book Festival. Achievements in , with 3 prior Honorable Mentions.

Know “OSTENSIBLY” is my own oral word creation in my youth to my brother. I 'purported' virginity too certain on the surface with underlying, unaware experience going deeper like Forced Technical Virgins adult-ly. Also a war is ended as the Cold War? Be authentic & cite Gregg Jann, I define "ostensibly" as intended

Many Issues Resolved by Truth to Origin Amendment

Truth to Origin is about First and Original IP, starts and parts of enterprises, and humanity greater through schools in Character Ed taught and history many ways to assist peace processes. "Teach Peace" has to be the title of the school board goal section, although I changed from when I was an elected official. And it pays the author in and of itself, plus the content first recognized as stolen and needing to be returned net present value with liability payment. (read more)
