Homeland into Foreign Policy

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The Defense Mechanism

Perhaps setting the government precedent for the principle of this blog category, Reagan hired Weinberger twice. The man in question was called Cap the Knife and cut the California Health and Human Services Department under Governor Reagan. Then President Reagan hired No Cap to head Secretary of Defense for no limit on spending. This was done with no heart for love. Can we even talk about it after all these years?

Bolstering Our Weaknesses

Its vital for our national focus in dealing with other nations to compare the underrepresented populations and make ours best. The economy, nuclear disarmament, global warming and women's rights appear to be the top foreign policy agendas next to settling the current warfare in the middle east.

New START Treaty Can Be People

The U.S.-Russian negotiations resulting with the New START Treaty can mean more than reducing nuclear arsenals by applying a name like that to domestic and foreign policy and American attitudes. A beginning was the changing from the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Our electing an African American President, as I have referenced before, brings Post-Structural philosophy to respect in our stretching to the limits of change. We were radicalized to a degree after the electoral college upset of the 2000 Presidential election.

Citizenship for Health Care Reform One Avenue

Touching the bone in calling out to the President, "You liar," is a testament to feeling and logical sanity. In health care reform, unlike more conservative pragmatists, most of Sonoma County legislators believe in their heart in providing health insurance to illegal immigrants. It saves costs to reduce hospital stays and emergency room treatments for maintenance and preventative health care. The costs saved by offering insurance to illegal immigrants is money to taxpayers, hospitals, and a poor segment of the population.

Justice, Morals + the Times We're In

The best time to make improvements in morals and ethical structures in business, relationships, and our general political scene is when the economy is performing down and I'm tired of war. When the economy is booming people are following the invisible hand of capitalism and are acting full throttle on the greed aspect at the expense of honest right behavior to do good. Sharing our home for out of luck family or being active in the political process for social justice are a couple of good deeds that reward emotional balance sheets.

Upgrade Reformers in 4th of July Spirit

American history is made of success and reform. Improving an aspect of an American institution is seen as rewarding to the reformer in and of itself. Intrinsic pride and satisfaction in accomplishing for the Greater Good fits a need in a component of happiness. Paying a dollar bonus to the people who risk designing the change or promoting those coming up with the new plans may be needed to get big things done with the small, like health care reform currently.

Living Hardships and National Public Relations

Social Equity in areas such as poverty, discriminations, barriers to entry, and people needing supports in health and rehabilitation is not usually appreciated in comprehensive focused plans in ecology, business, and the interpersonal fabric of neighborhoods. The people of hurted conditions need to advocate for themselves with others, including strangers, reaching out with understanding and support to permit survival from hardships which do create a glorious history.

Glastnos, Perestroika, More Moral

What I remember from Gorbachev and President Reagan's working together in the 1980s was the former Soviet leader stating we all needed openness and restructuring and Reagan saying, "I know we're more moral" here in the US. The field and personality of mental health care and treatment is the place to most apply these 3 traits to implement a stronger and more improved social challenge we face. We have progressed in treating and accepting psychiatric disabilities from years past.

Community Access Through Politics

Getting active in an altruistic cause or a movement of ideals is a good way to interact and meet people or in finding freedom of mental expression. Non- and bi- partisan thinking created my formula in public policy successes by stating the self help movement fits conservative philosophy in responsibility and work ethic. This is combined with educating people that mental health is a government spending program that requires understanding of what people we have are to the general public, which is what liberals are like.
